My Other Blogs

Saturday, July 13, 2019

From Sunrise to Sunset

From Sunrise to Sunset

(A walking experience of Bryce Canyon)

Walking along paths with footsteps well known
Sounds of cicada love songs make the right tone.

As we descend into the caverns of the past.
Clouds approach and make a perfect overcast.

With weather and erosion forms the perfect formation.
The Queen and Thor's hammer we show much adoration.

We pass many hoodoos and we leave them in awe.
We finish the wall with a great hurrah.

Traduccion en Español. 
Caminando por senderos con huellas bien conocidas
Tocan canciones de amor de las cigarras estan todos incluidas.

Mientras descendemos a las cavernas del pasado.
Las nubes se acercan y forman un nublado adecuado.

Con el clima y la erosión se forma la formación perfecta.
La reina y el martillo de Thor nos muestran el camino correcta.

Pasamos muchos hoodoos y los dejamos asombrados.
Terminamos el muro con unos saludos muy sagrados. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

My Love Anniversary

My Love Anniversary

Faby, Faby I love you.
I'm so glad you love me too.
You make me smile,
Though we walk more than a mile.
I fell in love a quarter century ago,
Your eyes made the greatest show.
With hands that are warm and your heart is too, 
My belly fills up with all your food.

Poem written with contribution of words of wisdom from the Smith's clan.