Sunday, April 17, 2022

Reconcile the Atonement

 Reconcile the Atonement

Can you recover from all things?
Fix broken hearts with attached strings.
Return to that place you have passed.
Heat yourself on burnt wood and ash.
Purchase with what money you've spent.
Turn back time when you're not content.
Mend a broken heart that's  been shaken.
Give life back to one that's been taken.

For there have been many tried and failed.
Even given up cause it's unveiled.
Alienated from God by my actions 
Take away from me these distractions. 
Reconciled to allow us to return
Clean and ready for our turn.
Christ atoned for all those who choose
The path that returns with it's own dues.

What is required to be alright.
A broken heart and spirit contrite.
Allow the Spirit to be applied inside.
Do the work you can't do on your side.
Love God with all your heart and actions. 
To all others do the same even all factions.