My Other Blogs

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Entrar al Corazon de la Luna

 Entrar al Corazón de la Luna

Luna pasa por tu ventana.
Mostrando a mi como llegar
A tu corazón quiero estar.

Dame una señal para entrar
En tus ojos empieza la realidad
Contigo se hace la eternidad

Sunday, May 8, 2022

dum dum dum dadadum dadadum

dum dum dum dadadum dadadum
Life starts out dark all over the screen.
Strike a match then that screen becomes clean.
The night chills all the way to the bone.
The sun shows that we're not alone.
Shadows in the night cause a great fright.
Yet it's simple to turn on the light.

What is dark to be when light has gone
cause you do not know what's going on.
Hearts can turn from darkness into day
Look for sunshine not any that's gray.
Kindly deeds to those that are in need
Will bring happiness so much in deed.

In my Mother's arms

No matter the hour she worries
Thou it does look like that she hurries.
Guiding me true like the North Star.
Thou my life might be lived afar.
A slip a fall and down I go.
Her words will lift me up to grow.
She helped me lift my wings and to Soar.
My mother is all this and much more.