My Other Blogs

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sounds of Christmas

Christmas sounds ring loud each year.
Songs of the Christ child playing proud.
A bell rings loud for all to hear,
With the hope it will touch all in the crowd.

Violin strings rip open our heart,
Allowing us to commune with God.
With a Trumpet it plays well it's part,
Pushes us with this celestial prod.

Sopranos notes makes us alert.
The alto combines to make it round.
Tenor sounds will not subvert.
Bass connects celestial to our ground.

Christmas Signs

Look for Christmas signs arrival.
Nothing compares as a rival.
You'd think it's hard to do each year.
Some people do have to steer.

With each turkey cooked it's not strange.
A feeling in the air does change.
A spirit dressed in red tinsel.
With wishes dispels all sinful.

Presents are staged around the tree.
For families, yes, you and me.
Lights are twinkling from heart to heart.
Celebrate God’s love is a start.

With the birth of the Christ child came
Those who searched a light to reclaim.
Search for it through him who creates
By sharing this with those who awaits.

This holiday packed full of lights,
With Christmas trees at higher heights.
Wish lists made to be wrapped in gold.
Slow down now, take time to behold.

Is it really hard to believe
That love, joy and peace will alleve.
Sharing with others is an art.
Take the time to give of your heart.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Entrar al Corazon de la Luna

 Entrar al Corazón de la Luna

Luna pasa por tu ventana.
Mostrando a mi como llegar
A tu corazón quiero estar.

Dame una señal para entrar
En tus ojos empieza la realidad
Contigo se hace la eternidad

Sunday, May 8, 2022

dum dum dum dadadum dadadum

dum dum dum dadadum dadadum
Life starts out dark all over the screen.
Strike a match then that screen becomes clean.
The night chills all the way to the bone.
The sun shows that we're not alone.
Shadows in the night cause a great fright.
Yet it's simple to turn on the light.

What is dark to be when light has gone
cause you do not know what's going on.
Hearts can turn from darkness into day
Look for sunshine not any that's gray.
Kindly deeds to those that are in need
Will bring happiness so much in deed.

In my Mother's arms

No matter the hour she worries
Thou it does look like that she hurries.
Guiding me true like the North Star.
Thou my life might be lived afar.
A slip a fall and down I go.
Her words will lift me up to grow.
She helped me lift my wings and to Soar.
My mother is all this and much more.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Reconcile the Atonement

 Reconcile the Atonement

Can you recover from all things?
Fix broken hearts with attached strings.
Return to that place you have passed.
Heat yourself on burnt wood and ash.
Purchase with what money you've spent.
Turn back time when you're not content.
Mend a broken heart that's  been shaken.
Give life back to one that's been taken.

For there have been many tried and failed.
Even given up cause it's unveiled.
Alienated from God by my actions 
Take away from me these distractions. 
Reconciled to allow us to return
Clean and ready for our turn.
Christ atoned for all those who choose
The path that returns with it's own dues.

What is required to be alright.
A broken heart and spirit contrite.
Allow the Spirit to be applied inside.
Do the work you can't do on your side.
Love God with all your heart and actions. 
To all others do the same even all factions.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Scarlett and her name

 For Scarlett on her baptism day

S Scarlett your name is so much more.

C Care made daily for you to soar.

A With a broken heart your paying.

R Remember Him always while praying.

L Love to all is key in what's done.

E Earn awards after you have run.

T Trap your heart for that one to love.

T Tune your life to the One above.