My Other Blogs

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Touched by Silence

 "Touched by Silence"

Perched on the brink, I watch the canyon fall,
A chasm shaped by hands unseen, divine,
Its sculpted cliffs and crevices align,
Like marks pressed deep upon the earth’s raw wall.

As if God’s fingers etched each rugged sprawl,
These valleys trace the touch of grand design,
While here, I sit, so small, a fleeting sign,
Before this masterpiece that holds me thrall.

The silence hums with wings that beat the sky,
Two birds in flight, they dip and twist and sweep.
They drift into the distant canyon deep.
Their fading cries a whispered lullaby.

The breeze upon my brow, so soft and grand,
Reminds me of creation's guiding hand.

"Tocado por el Silencio"

Al borde del abismo, miro caer,
Un vasto cañón tallado por las manos
De un ser divino en gestos tan humanos,
Sus riscos y hendiduras puedo ver.

Como si Dios quisiera aquí imponer
Sus huellas en relieves sobrehumanos,
Yo, tan pequeño, en pensamientos vanos,
Me asombro ante esta obra de su poder.

El silencio vibra con alas en vuelo,
Dos aves giran, se elevan y giran,
Se alejan por el cañón, se retiran,
Sus ecos son un canto en desvelo.

La brisa en mi frente, suave y gentil,
Me recuerda la mano del Creador sutil.

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