Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Firm and Steadfast

Firm and Steadfast

My heart has changed from stone to flesh
My faith in God is focused best
His Word is my celestial pole
to penetrate my heart and soul

My mind is firm, trusting in God
I will follow the iron rod
A true witness is born each day
to define focus on my way

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wholy Rooms

Wholy Rooms

Rooms with holes, more than just a door
Can it remain ceiling to floor
Little rats and mice it might be 
No it was little boys you see

Running around full force will bring 
Powerful connections that cling 
Like changos that love to swing
Step on that broken glass, it stings.

Fix one then two, it never ends
because then they just bring more friends
laughter, love and friendship will make
A home that no one will forsake 

Spanish translation
Habitaciones completas
Habitaciones con agujeros, más que una puerta.
¿Puede permanecer techo a piso?
Pequeñas ratas y ratones podría ser
No, eran niños pequeños que ves
Correr alrededor de toda la fuerza traerá
Conexiones poderosas que se aferran.
Como los changos que aman el swing.
Pise ese cristal roto, pica.
Arregla uno y luego dos, nunca termina
porque entonces solo traen mas amigos
La risa, el amor y la amistad lo harán.
Un hogar que nadie abandonará.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ancestral Climb

Ancestral Climb

Along this journey a mountain you climb
Dangerous and steep, will you finish in daytime.
Many dare not ascend for the climb is precarious
strenuous, mysterious, dubious; yet oh so glorious

Urgent is the path to know your relation
Find them is your solemn affirmation.
First peak, second and third you will find
That greater reward is truly combined.

background to poem:  We all have a responsibility to find who our ancestors were.  I can understand in the past and many still will give complaints as to why they don't want to or can't participate in family history research.  However in today's world we have great technology to help us in this great big work.  We just need to get on the path and do it.  

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Sower of the Word

Sower of the Word

A sower am I said he
Seeds go every where to be.
Be aware at the top of trees
Fowls await to eat two or three.
A seed can grow but if no root
Will be stolen by a brute.
A seed choked will not be fruitful
Thorns and weeds are not truthful.
Good ground seek forth and nurture strong
Fruit I seek and it isn't wrong.
This fruit will multiply one hundred fold
and it is well worth its weight in gold.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

My love

My love

It started out small barely even a scratch,
A touch, a word, look it's a match.
Her eyes, deep, longing, searching, caring
Heart full of emotion ready for the pairing.
Flourishing heart developed into a beauty
I still can't take my eyes off this cutie.
Her hand is soft and fits so fine
I thank God that she is mine.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Testimony Builder

Testimony Builder

I walk a path well traveled, hoping to find a way. 
That leads me to salvation, Stop and ask the way.

Receive the Word with readiness of Mind. 
Search the scriptures daily and be inclined.

The honorable and meek will be your greatest find. 
Go know, search and be kind.

Reveal this to me the Spirit did. 
Deep unknown secrets for me to bid.

God wants me to know his mind. 
A testimony to me will bind.